


Title: Promotion of interculturality, traditional values and transgenerational mobility through traditional games - Traditgam
Call: ERASMUS-SPORT-2023 (Sport 2023)
Type of Action: ERASMUS-LS (ERASMUS Lump Sum Grants)
Duration: 18 month
Stard date: 1.09.2023
Grant 60 000 euro

Local Government of Kekava Municipality (Latvia) - Leader
Asociacion Deportiva Cultural de Investigacion (Spain)
APS ASD Margherita Sport e Vita (Italy)
Instytut Rozwoju Sportu i Edukacji (Poland)

Our project arises from the need to increase awareness and understanding of the context of the European Union, especially with regard to the common values of the EU, the principles of unity and diversity, as well as its cultural identity, cultural awareness and its social and historical heritage, through the traditional games of each country, region or locality.
We intend that traditional games are a means, that through physical exercise, improving healthy physical activity, serve to exchange cultural identities that attend to diversity and promote interculturality among European countries.

For this, our project establishes different related and interconnected phases:
1-Research in the four countries of our consortium to create a battery of common traditional games.
2-Information about those traditional games
3-Awareness, through the identification of the culture and origin of each game.
4-Application in the formal and informal context, identifying the cultural identity of each country.
5-Training through the webinar to exchange experiences in the ETHNO-LEISURE museum.
6-Relation of traditional games with regeneration and recycling.
7-Relation between traditional games and their practice in nature, through the use of the natural environment, stressing the care of the environment, when we invade their land to practice physical exercise.

To respond to all these lines of action, we propose these specific objectives:
1-Carry out a research process in each country with the aim of collecting a battery of 20 traditional games.
2- Share and implement games between different countries.
3-Integrating traditional games in the formal and informal field, as a cultural element of taking advantage of leisure time, doing physical exercise.
4-Relate regeneration and recycling with the creation of material for traditional games.
5-Promote traditional games in the natural environment, raising awareness of its care.



16 marca 2023 roku odbyło się pierwsze spotkanie w ramach projektu TRADITGAM na Łotwie, które sprzyjało budowaniu zgranego zespołu oraz było niezwykle efektywne i przepełnione dobrą atmosferą.

Przedstawiciele Łotwy jako gospodarze oraz uczestnicy z Hiszpani, Włoch i Polski przedstawili swoje organizacje oraz przygotowali plan pracy, głównie przydział zadań, zasobów, rezultatów i terminów.

Na koniec został omówiony projekt biblioteki gier, zarówno od strony wizualnej, jak i zakresu informacji.

Przedstawiciele organizacji odwiedzili ciekawe miejsca w Kekavie, jedno zrobiło szczególne wrażenie na miłośnikach kontaktu z naturą – Kompleks Sportowy Baldone. To był niesamowity czas pod znakiem zajęć sportowych i wzajemnego poznawania dziedzictwa kulturowego.










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